We are continually increasing the number of equity-minded officials, policies, and practices in your local communities in Michigan.
Equity PAC is a 100% volunteer-driven, Michigan-based political action committee. We mobilize time and money to support equity-minded candidates and ballot initiatives, provide policy education and advocacy, and encourage direct citizen action.
Equity PAC supports equity-minded candidates in West Michigan.
In 2016, crime in Grand Rapids was at a 50-year low when the City Commission decided, in closed chambers, to place 65 rifles in police cruisers. This decision happened without any public input, despite calls from some Commissioners to take public comment. This decision was made and announced later during a city commission meeting - a shock to many community members, given their concerns with the current policing of their neighborhoods.
Being fed up with important decisions like this moving forward without public input, transparency, and accountability, the people decided to build a new source of candidate and ballot support, public engagement, and trusted voice on key equity issues. It was here that a diverse group of concerned citizens came together to birth Equity Political Action Committee (PAC).
Since then, Equity PAC has grown to hundreds of members, raised tens of thousands of dollars, and mobilized hundreds of hours to support political candidates and ballot initiatives.
From our leadership team to our most active volunteers, we’re 100% volunteer-driven. We are a fluid organization and welcome anyone who wants to own, lead, or support political equity work alongside us. Our team includes residents from diverse backgrounds, lived experiences, occupations, and incomes that all care about advancing equity in our community. As of 2022, the leadership team includes the following individuals:
Keyuana Rosemond
Karina Zarate
Russell Olmsted
Tabitha Williams
Jessa Challa